Monday, September 20, 2010

Hit and Miss Ready to Finish the AT

First AT southbounders, Hit and Miss on top of Max Patch
While out on a 70-mile section hike on the Appalachian Trail, I ran into Hit and Miss, a young couple from New York, on top of clear and scenic Max Patch. Both of them had identical, ultralight backpacks that I had never seen before - Miss stitched them together - and I had no idea that they were southbounders on the AT, since I thought September 14th was too early to see southbounders.  However, after some questioning, they told me that they are the front of the pack, and that they were planning to finish in ten days. Cool!

I asked them if there was anyone behind them (I figured that someone has to be chasing the leader!), but they told me that they were unaware of anyone right behind them.  They told me that they would welcome other hikers to join them for the march to Springer Mountain to have some different company.

Band of brothers from Virginia, Toothpick and Thrillbilly
About 6-hours later I ran into the chasers at Walnut Mountain Shelter: Toothpick and Thrillbilly.  The two are brothers from Virginia, and they started their AT hike three weeks after Hit and Miss started their hike from Mt. Katahdin on May 27th - to say that they are hustling to catch them is an understatement!  I told Toothpick and Thrillbilly that they were about a half day behind Hit and Miss, and that they had planned on camping near Davenport Gap that night.  Also told them that they planned on arriving to Fontana Dam on Friday the 17th, and Toothpick's eyes lit up.  He and Thrillbilly had the same plans to arrive in Fontana by Friday.

I wonder if Toothpick and Thrillbilly caught up with them.  I wonder if Hit and Miss really don't mind the company for the last 7-days of their journey.  I wonder if there really will be a genuine race to the top of Springer.  Hmmmm... I can't wait to hear how it unfolds.  Good luck to you Hit and Miss, and Toothpick and Thrillbilly.  Enjoy the rest of the trail, and congratulations on completing the Appalachian Trail!


Waterfall of Serendipity said...

We met Hit & Miss, Toothpick and Thrillbilly on the trail just north of Springer on September 23rd, the day that they finished. When we saw them, Hit and Miss were still in the lead by about 3 feet ;-) I don't know if they switched marching order before they hit the mountain.

Thanks, guys, for leaving the cute notes on the back of my van!

Chris "Freefall" Sanderson said...

Hey Christa,

Thanks for the update. I appreciate hearing your take!

